Interior Logic Group

Home / Interior Logic Group

Philosophy of Innovation

ILG’s commitment to innovation is fueled by a passion for the betterment of builders, partners, suppliers, and ultimately the homeowner. Efficiency, quality and repeatability of process is the lens with which the leadership team views the business – responding to opportunity by implementing enterprise-grade technology in what has been a historically paper based industry.

ILG InviteOnly

Customer Experience: Mobile
  • Design
  • User Experience
  • Marvel POC

Exclusive Access

ILG InviteOnly is a secret view into ILG's Innovation Story for top executives of prospective clients and partners. Accessed via a combination of a personalized "Executive Code" and a QR code, executives are transported into a mobile-responsive playground where they interact with content that spans ILG's technology commitment and pursuit of game-changing software.

Designing the Responsive Flow

Accounting for form factor is critical when designing a responsive flow. For ILG's top executives, designing this playground with a mobile-first approach allowed the design team to gradually zoom out from the phone to the tablet to the laptop/desktop. This approach was key in creating the conherent look and feel across all devices, assuring that the innovation messaging was delivered with the same emphasis and balance.

ILG's innovation story is only a click away with ILG InviteOnly.
Ready to close the "Big Deal" whenever, wherever.